Tuf-Steel® Gasket
The Original Metal Detectable High Temperature Gasket
Composed of a unique proprietary blend of PTFE and 316L Stainless Steel, Tuf-Steel® is the choice for leak-proof performance and outstanding durability in steam applications.
Tuf-Steel® Holds Up Under Low and High Temperature:
- 500 CIP/SIP Cycles guaranteed
- -325°F to 550°F
- Superior creep resistance
- Excellent expansion/contraction stability with minimal thermal expansion
- Excellent chemical resistance
- Stops leaks when correctly torqued (50 in./lbs with Torque-Rite® TR-50)
- No gasket extrusion into the sanitary tube I.D.
- No obstruction of flow
- Maintains sealing stability in ∆T processes
- Non stick surface
- Non pigmented
- Passivated to eliminate rouging
- Tested for Cryogenics Use (Click here to view test results)
To see our Tuf-Steel® Gaskets in action, scroll down to the Resources section to click on two case studies!