Encapsulated O-rings
Decrease Downtime and Increase Profitability With FEP Encapsulated O-Rings
Chemical attack and swelling are the primary causes of o-ring failure. Encapsulated o-rings match the chemical and temperature resistance of solid PTFE o-rings, and possess properties of elasticity and recovery, which are crucial in many sealing applications. Encapsulated o-rings are virtually chemically inert and provide easy cleanup of viscous materials. These o-rings economically and effectively replace Kalrez® and other exotic o-ring compounds. Encapsulated o-rings will decrease downtime and hence increase profitability wherever corrosive fluids and gases cause premature seal failure. Encapsulated o-rings are available in AS568 Dash sizes, metric and custom sizes. Encapsulated o-rings are phthalate free. PFA encapsulated o-rings available upon request.