Rubber Fab’s Distribution
Rubber Fab has World Wide Distribution
Rubber Fab is a B2B business, meaning we sell through distribution. With locations all over the world, Rubber Fab is able to serve multiple times zones and in a variety of languages. This cuts costs for shipping, breaking language and time zone barriers and giving our customers a complete purchasing experience. Below is a list of our partners around the world that are happy to help with your technical questions as well as orders or helping you find a distributor near you.
Rubber Fab
Address: 26 Brookfield Drive • Sparta, NJ 07871
Phone: 1-866-442-2959
Email: sales@eu.rubberfab.com
Address: 2 Woodlands Sector 1, Woodlands Spectrum 1, #03-03, Singapore 738068
Phone: +65 6285 9322
Email: sales.asia@garlock.com
South East Asia: www.garlockasia.com
South Korea: blog.naver.com/garlock_rubberfab
Garlock Sealing Technologies (Shanghai) Co.
Address: Ltd. (卡勒克中国) Ouyin Jixin Building , No. 2525 Chun Shen Road, Minhang district Shanghai, P.R. China 201199
Phone: +86 21 6454 4412
Email: sales.china@garlock.com
Website: www.garlock.com.cn
Garlock de México
Address: S.A. de C.V. Poniente 116 No. 571, Col. Industrial Vallejo, Ciudad de México.
Phone: (55) 50784600
Email: contacto@garlock.com
Website: www.garlock.com/es
Garlock Pty Ltd
Address: Unit 2, 198 Walters Road, Arndell Park, NSW 2148
Phone: 1-800-GARLOCK
Email: austsales@garlock.com